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Step 11 - Supporting Brain Health

Part 1: OMEGA 3 (IQ Mega)

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Supporting the brain health of children with special needs is paramount for helping them to reach their fullest potential in every area of their development. Your child's brain is responsible for ALL functions: digestion, emotion regulation, physical mobility, thinking and reasoning, and language and communication, to name a few! By restoring health to the brain, improvements in these areas can be expected. 

Dr. Sonya Doherty is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. She writes, "Omega 3 fatty acids like fish oils and cod liver oil are derived from linolenic acid. Linolenic acid is converted into two important substances, DHA and EPA. DHA is essential for growth, and EPA helps with regulation of inflammation. Children with autism, PDD, and ADHD have been shown to have DHA deficiency. Supplementation results in improved cognitive, social, language and behavioural development." (Doherty, S. (n.d.). Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. Retrieved March 16, 2017, from

The OMEGA 3 SUPPLEMENT  (IQ Mega) with the fresh flavor of Orange Essential Oil, is a great tasting and easy-to-swallow supplement providing 1,000 mg of concentrated Omega 3 fatty acids per serving. It contains the essential nutrients EPA and DHA to support healthy brain, cardiovascular, immune, and joint function.


Promotes cardiovascular health.*

Supports healthy joint function and comfort.*

Provides important modulating nutrients for healthy immune function.*

Protects against lipid oxidation and supports healthy function of the brain.*

Promotes healthy skin.*

Delivers 1,000 mg of pure, concentrated, molecularly-filtered, and completely deodorized marine lipids with 600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA per daily serving.

Formulated with Orange Essential Oil.• 

Specifically formulated to use daily with the CHILDREN'S CHEWABLE MULTIVITAMIN as a comprehensive dietary supplement foundation for a lifetime of vitality and wellness.